Donald Trump to Capitol Hill Globalists Pushing Foreign Aid: ‘I Am the Only One Who Speaks for Me’

Anti-globalists crash Davos party, warn elites socialism endangers the West

Exclusive -- Karoline Leavitt: Liberal Globalists Rallying Around Their ‘Chosen Candidate’ Nikki Haley

Soros Son Meets Zelensky as Globalists Circle Wagons Around Ukraine

Donald Trump: The Old GOP of ‘RINOs, Neo-cons, and Globalists’ Is Gone, ‘Never’ Coming Back

Hawley: America Needs a 'Robust Nationalism' — 'Neocons Are Globalists'

Breitbart News Daily Podcast Ep. 243: 20 Days from Election and Biden Tries to Buy Votes; Guest: Eva Vlaardingerbroek vs. the Globalists

U.S. Trade Rep Katherine Tai Defends U.S. Tariffs on China Against Joe Biden's Globalists

Report: Joe Biden's Globalists Suggest Cutting U.S. Tariffs on China to Score Political Points

Report: Joe Biden's Globalists Quietly Fight to Slash U.S. Tariffs on China

EU Agrees Online Censorship Laws Forcing Big Tech ‘Hate Speech’ Clampdown


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